Online Ecommerce website

Creating an Exceptional eCommerce Experience

The eCommerce site may seem similar to the other WordPress sites, as it often shares same plugins or themes, sometimes even content. However, an eCommerce site has its own challenges and unique features. Therefore, it’s important to take a few necessary steps; so, that it can provide outstanding user experience, just like any other site. Here are some of the easiest tips that can help you generate a remarkable eCommerce experience among the audience.

Keep Your Site Information Updated

For creating a remarkable eCommerce experience for your audience, it’s essential that you keep the information on your website always updated. It may be the case that all of a sudden, the number of traffic that your website usually receives, is increased considerably. Therefore, it’s important that you update the information provided on your site to attract as well as retain new visitors. Check your website to find out whether the product descriptions and prices are mentioned correctly. From promotion details, to discount codes and return policies, make sure they are explained properly and functioning as well. Test and update your eCommerce site on a regular basis, so that when the traffic hits, you won’t end up generating negative PRs.

Install an SSL Certificate on Your Website


The SSL certificate refers to the Secure Socket Layer protocol. Well, the sole purpose of this protocol is to encrypt and secure communication between the computers. The SSL helps to keep the data and information provided on your eCommerce website safe and secure. It safeguards all the sensitive information of your site such as banking credentials, passwords, credit card numbers etc. Whether you’re planning to open your new eCommerce site or already have an existing one, it’s crucial that you install the SSL certificate on your website.

Optimize the Images on Your Site

Images, often being the largest file on your website pages, can cause extreme delays in the time of page load. As an eCommerce site, it’s quite obvious to feature lots of images. Therefore, the only way to get rid of this unwanted delay is by optimizing the images and compressing the file sizes. The image optimization process is not a difficult job at all. It’s all about selecting the proper tools for optimizing your website images. With various effective tools being available such as OptiPNG, ImageOptim, jpegtran etc, you can easily get the image size and quality you wish for.

Be Ready for Running Out of Inventory

Apart from keeping your eCommerce site updated, fully optimized, and secure from data theft, being ready for running out of inventory is equally necessary. You need to make sure that your site inventory shows the accurate data. Your site needs to inform your customer when you’re out of a particular product, or the time the product will be available again etc. When you run out of a product, make sure your site shows options like ‘email when available’ instead of still showing ‘add to cart’.

Though the above-mentioned tips may sound quite basic, but these are indeed tremendously important. It is through carefully following these tips that you can truly enhance the eCommerce experience of your website.

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