video seo

Effective Tips to Optimize Your WordPress Video for SEO

Nowadays, the popularity of using WordPress Video has grown rapidly. What is the reason behind it? Well, they make things easier for the online visitors to understand any complicated topics. When the WordPress video usage is done correctly and efficiently, it enhances the conversion rates. If you have monitored minutely you might have noticed that in most of the cases, online users get convinced to buy a particular product only after watching a persuading video.

Adding WordPress Video to Your Site

Well, recent reports have reflected that if any WordPress page has any video associated with it, it gets on an average almost three times of the incoming links than the only-text pages can get. So, incorporating WordPress video to your site seems to be a wise decision. However, not only just incorporating, optimizing the WordPress video is also crucial. How to do it? Well, here are a few quirky tips to optimize your WordPress video for SEO.

Keys to Optimize Your WordPress Video

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Here are a few key factors that can efficiently optimize your WordPress video.

  • When your WordPress video can convert your viewers into your customers, you should obviously upload a video with the highest quality within your possible range.
  • Well, just like the simple text-based SEO page, optimization of WordPress video is also pretty much depended on the effective usage of keywords. Keywords have to be effectively used in the video title, throughout the video description along with the video tags.
  • You don’t usually need to spend money from your pocket just to find out proper keywords! You can easily avail the free services offered by the tool i.e. Google AdWords Keyword Planner.
  • Before posting the WordPress video, it is advisable to double-check whether the keywords have been distributed properly or not. You may do a quick search on the Google regarding the selected keywords; check whether videos are showing up on the first result page corresponding to those keywords or not.
  • Make the WordPress video title a bit peppy and catchy using the keyword so that it can draw the attention of the viewers easily. In the description part of your WordPress video, show a little bit of creativeness to attract the viewers. Don’t put any deceitful information; video description is all about the video contents only.
  • When your WordPress video goes live, promote it properly. Your WordPress video will rank higher in the search result page when the video gets more views.

Effective WordPress Plugins for Your WordPress Video

Well, to make the WordPress video SEO simpler, you can take help of the available effective WordPress plugins dedicated to the video SEO. Such an important WordPress plugin is Yoast. With the help of this plugin, your WordPress video can be shown in the Google Videos. It helps to make your WordPress video more responsive by enabling the fitvids.js. The most alluring feature of Yoast is that it makes easier to share your WordPress video on different social media like Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Thus, just by following the above-mentioned simple tips you can easily optimize your WordPress video for SEO.

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