WordPress Accessibility Plugin

Best WordPress Accessibility Plugins in 2024

The web is full of barriers to access, and those barriers can leave disabled WordPress users unable to experience content.

Fortunately, there are lots of WordPress accessibility plugins available in 2024 that allow any website owner to make their site accessible for everyone—regardless of disability.

Today I’m going to share my top picks for the best WordPress accessibility plugins so you can make your site as accessible as possible without breaking the bank!

WordPress Accessibility Plugin Explained!

WordPress accessibility plugins are designed to make websites more accessible for people with disabilities. These plugins help remove barriers that can prevent disabled users from accessing content, such as poor color contrast, missing alt text, and inaccessible forms. They also provide features like keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and voice control.

By using an accessibility plugin on your WordPress site, you can make sure that everyone—regardless of their disability—can access and enjoy your content.

What things should be considered before getting a WordPress Accessibility Plugin?

Before getting a WordPress accessibility plugin, there are several things to consider. First, you should determine the level of accessibility you need for your site. Different plugins offer different levels of support, so it’s important to find one that meets your needs.

Second, you should consider the cost of the plugin. Some plugins are free while others require a subscription or a one-time fee.

Third, you should make sure the plugin is compatible with your WordPress theme and plugins. Some plugins may not work properly if they’re not compatible with other elements of your site.

Finally, you should read reviews to get an idea of how well the plugin works and whether it’s worth the money.

Best WordPress Accessibility Plugins in 2024

Mentioned below are the best WordPress accessibility plugins in 2024:

One Click Accessibility

One Click Accessibility plugin

One Click Accessibility is a WordPress accessibility plugin that makes it easy to make your site accessible. It provides features like keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and voice control. It also offers an automated accessibility checker that can detect any issues with your site’s accessibility. The plugin is free to use and is compatible with most WordPress themes and plugins.

These methods help make your website not only more accessible but more SEO-friendly. Enhancements to the visual appearance can be turned off by using your WordPress customizer, which allows you to test your modifications prior to putting them on the web.


AccessiBe plugin

AccessiBe is a WordPress accessibility plugin that helps make websites more accessible for people with disabilities. It provides features like keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and voice control. It also offers an automated accessibility checker that can detect any issues with your site’s accessibility. AccessiBe also provides a range of customization options so you can tailor the plugin to meet your specific needs.

The plugin also alters your site’s structure to make it more user-friendly. This includes forms, pop-ups, and dropdown buttons, as well as skip links. AccessiBe also scans for updates to content frequently and eliminates friction whenever you make changes to your website.

WP Accessibility

WP Accessibility plugin

WP Accessibility is a WordPress accessibility plugin that helps make websites more accessible for people with disabilities. It provides features like keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and voice control. It also offers an automated accessibility checker that can detect any issues with your site’s accessibility.

WP Accessibility also provides a range of customization options so you can tailor the plugin to meet your specific needs. The plugin also offers a range of accessibility tools, such as color contrast checkers and text resizers.


UserWay plugin

UserWay is a WordPress accessibility plugin that helps make websites more accessible for people with disabilities. It provides features like keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and voice control. It also offers an automated accessibility checker that can detect any issues with your site’s accessibility.

UserWay also provides a range of customization options so you can tailor the plugin to meet your specific needs. The plugin also offers a range of accessibility tools, such as color contrast checkers and text resizers. Additionally, it has built-in analytics that allows you to track how users interact with your website and identify areas where improvements can be made. UserWay also integrates with popular plugins like WooCommerce and Gravity Forms to ensure compatibility across different platforms.


WA11y plugin

WA11y is a WordPress accessibility plugin that helps make websites more accessible for people with disabilities. It provides features like keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and voice control. It also offers an automated accessibility checker that can detect any issues with your site’s accessibility.

WA11y also provides a range of customization options so you can tailor the plugin to meet your specific needs. The plugin also offers a range of accessibility tools, such as color contrast checkers and text resizers. Additionally, it has built-in analytics that allows you to track how users interact with your website and identify areas where improvements can be made. WA11y also integrates with popular plugins like WooCommerce and Gravity Forms to ensure compatibility across different platforms.

Accessibility Widget

Accessibility Widget plugin

Accessibility Widget is a WordPress accessibility plugin that helps make websites more accessible for people with disabilities. It provides features like keyboard navigation, screen reader support, and voice control. It also offers an automated accessibility checker that can detect any issues with your site’s accessibility.

Accessibility Widget also provides a range of customization options so you can tailor the plugin to meet your specific needs. The plugin also offers a range of accessibility tools, such as color contrast checkers and text resizers. Additionally, it has built-in analytics that allows you to track how users interact with your website and identify areas where improvements can be made. Accessibility Widget also integrates with popular plugins like WooCommerce and Gravity Forms to ensure compatibility across different platforms.

The Bottom Line

In 2024, the best WordPress accessibility plugins are UserWay, WA11y, and WP Accessibility. These plugins provide features like keyboard navigation, screen reader support, voice control, automated accessibility checkers, color contrast checkers, text resizers, and built-in analytics. They also integrate with popular plugins like WooCommerce and Gravity Forms to ensure compatibility across different platforms. With these plugins, you can make your website more accessible for people with disabilities and ensure that it meets the latest accessibility standards.

In addition to these plugins, there are also other WordPress accessibility tools available. For example, the WP Accessibility plugin provides an easy-to-use interface for creating accessible content. It also offers a range of features such as automatic alt text generation and color contrast checking. The WP Accessibility Toolbar plugin adds a toolbar to the WordPress admin area that allows you to quickly access accessibility settings and tools. Finally, the Accessibility Widget plugin adds a widget to your WordPress site that allows users to quickly access accessibility settings and tools.

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